‘Fallen Art’ animated short written and directed by Tomasz ‘Tomek’ Bagiński
“Fallen Art” was created by Platige Image, a Polish visual effects company. It’s a story about generals, soldiers, and a very special project (no spoilers, …
A personal blog about business, culture, and design
“Fallen Art” was created by Platige Image, a Polish visual effects company. It’s a story about generals, soldiers, and a very special project (no spoilers, …
A roll-up of album covers, fantasy fiction, and video games that have been redesigned to look like Penguin Book covers.
This pixel art collection by Roger Barr and Louis Fernet-Leclia incorporates characters from classic 80s video games, television shows, and movies.
David Wild creates brilliant, short 10-second stories that will make you think about life.
“The purpose of art is not the release of a momentary ejection of adrenaline but rather the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity.”
There are moments when you first hear the melody or lyric of an unfamiliar song that can result in pleasant skin tingling sensations, a welling up of energy, or an emotional response like tears or joy. We are introduced to these experiences by friends, music evangelists, or clever marketing campaigns. The later has made use of increasingly potent visuals in the form of music videos and/or subliminal presentation of catchy tunes in advertisements, television shows, and film in order to introduce us to new music experiences.