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‘Elephants Dream’ animated short

On May 18th, 2006 a team of six people released a beautiful animation under a creative commons license titled “Elephants Dream“. By May 29th, over 500,000 visitors had downloaded the animation. Over the months that followed remixes of the animation began to appear online. A “making of” video was released by the creators of “Elephants Dream” and is worth a look.

‘Elephants Dream’ is the result of almost a year of work, a project initiated and coordinated by the Blender Foundation. Six people from the Blender user/development community were selected to come over to Amsterdam to work together on an animated short movie, utilizing Open Source tools only.

Downloadable files related to the Elephants Dream

Elephants Dream

The Elephant’s Dream web site features:

How “Elephants Dream” was created

The animation was created using open source software called Blender.

Blender is [the] open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. Available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
