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Get a free copy of ‘Free’ by Chris Anderson

Book cover design for Chris Anderson's

Wired Magazine Editor in Chief Chris Anderson’s new book Free was released on July 7, 2009. The publisher’s summary of the title indicates that “in Free, [Anderson] makes the compelling case that, in many instances, businesses can profit more from giving things away than they can by charging for them”.

Anderson is distributing copies of the new title for free in eBook, MP3, and audiobook format. For those of you who love the feel of a book in your hands, printed copies of Free are now available for sale too. I plan to enjoy listening to the free audiobook version from Audible during my commute.

Anderson also wrote the bestseller The Long Tail — about how niche markets delivering unique products can be made available to consumers through online stores.

To download your copy of Free, visit: Get a free copy of “Free” by Chris Anderson
